The ultimate goal: "Frictionless from event to decision" Beendet
Dienstag, 19. September 2023 11:00 - 13:00 CEST Boardroom
Aussteller: Pyramid Analytics
ReferentIn: Patrick Ebert
Kategorie: Masterclass, Englisch
Does THIS sound familiar in your organisation:
Massive effort is poured in to integrate as much data as possible into an analytic ready state. The focus is on accuracy, governance, lineage and auditability. The overall quality is very high.
Only a fraction of that data gets used for reports and dashboards. Often moved out of the Data Lake/Warehouse into a BI Server or SaaS Service degrading your analytic data store to a super expensive memory stick. Lineage and auditability may or may not get addressed by a data cataloguing project.
Despite all efforts the business spots gaps in the data and given the backlog for change requests attempts to “fix” the gaps using MS Excel. Governance, Lineage and Auditability are hiding crying under the staircase.
The Excel Workbook gets send around via email numerous times until it eventually lands with the decision maker. If this spreadsheet has anything to do with the initial data is neither here nor there and the good old friend gut feeling enters the chat.
Pyramid Analytics has a way to address this workflow end to end. More of the available data gets used due to easier access. Dashboards and reports are analysing the data directly on the analytic data store maximizing the use of the investments. Tabulate and Solve are eliminating the need to branch out to desktop spreadsheets by bring the spreadsheet to the data instead of the other way around. The results can be integrated again full circle.
Patrick Ebert ReferentInAussteller
Global Technical Alliance Manager
Pyramid Analytics